About a quarter of the population aged between 15 to 35 years, representing 2.5 million persons were not in employment, education or training across the country by the third quarter of 2022, according to the latest labour statistics report from the Ghana Statistical Service.
The report also indicated that the highest rates of such cases were identified in the Savannah (27.8%), North East (24.3%) and Upper East (24.2%) in the third quarter.
Furthermore, the number of persons who were unemployed and food insecure decreased by 60,000 between the first and third quarters, while the number of persons who were unemployed and multidimensionally poor remained relatively constant, at an average of about 615,000 across the three quarters.
The report also revealed that the number of NEET individuals decreased with age, with the highest number of NEET individuals among youth aged 15 to 35 years peaking at age 21.
Additionally, the number of persons unemployed, food insecure, and multidimensionally poor decreased by 78,000 between the first and second quarters but increased by almost 55,000 in the third quarter.