He said this is obvious from the various pronouncement and generalized interventions made by the President in the wake of the novel coronavirus.
“It is clear to me our president and his party see Covid-19 as an opportunity to milk the state and win an election and not as a pandemic that requires thoughtful planning and costing to save lives.”, he said
He further added that “Ironically it seems the only one with a bit of conscience is his cousin finance minister who seems to be overwhelmed”.
Read full text of his claim below:
It is clear to me our president and his party see Covid-19 as an opportunity to milk the state and win an election and not as a pandemic that requires thoughtful planning and costing to save lives.
Ironically it seems the only one with a bit of conscience is his cousin finance minister who seems to be overwhelmed.
1. When the president and political advisers declared $100m was available and released by his cousin for the virus. The cousin finance minister told parliament it wasn’t available and released but had to be sought from IMF and the NDC set up Stabilization fund.
2. When the president and political advisers declared tax waivers for health workers and allowances for frontline health workers. The minister said it couldn’t be all health workers, but those only government establishments and frontline had to be restrictively defined.
3. Remember even on Free SHS earlier, he didn’t think it should be free for parents like himself who can pay.
4. I believe he has a different thought on this offer of free electricity for lifeline users and 50% reduction for others too. Time will reveal it if you listen well.
It is not the cuts one should be worried about but the clear thoughtlessness in which it is announced before proper considerations, configurations and consultations are done. Citifm was going to give health workers free bus ride at no cost to the state, you stop them and offer it at a cost of Ghc2m to the State. Now the definition of frontline health workers has become an albatross. Meanwhile I don’t understand why a hanging fruit, the Communication Service Tax, among the JM suggested measures to reduce cost of data is ignored.
As for those who say no politics in this fight, it is clear they mean DON’T CRITICIZE OR DISAGREE WITH THE PRESIDENT ON ANYTHING BUT YOU CAN PRAISE HIM FOR EVERYTHING”.