Ghanaians have been advised not to spend more on the dead to the detriment of the living in the areas of supporting businesses to thrive.
The admonishing was given by Economist and Professor of Finance at the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS) Godfred Alufar Bokpin.
He argues that the Ghanaian society across most cultures will go to any length, including borrowing money, organizing funerals for the dead and performing all kinds of ceremonies, but the same people will not support a thriving or small business initiative that can create employment opportunities.
Professor Bokpin says the phenomenon must worry all Ghanaians as society believes in the dead more than the living that needs support from the same society in transforming businesses that can give people opportunities.
“We go as far as borrowing so much to have funerals for the dead but fail to support business in Ghana. We glorify the dead more than business, which is a worrying sign in our society; we need to sit and look at these things again.”
“Don’t get me wrong, the dead must be respected, but we must do all we can to support businesses and startups that have the potential; in that vain we create jobs and create opportunities for people and not spend so much on the dead who are already gone” he lamented.